Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Scared and Confused

Day 61


My life has been hard the last four years. About four years ago my stepdad was diagnosed with throat cancer. They first told him that it was just a cold. He was really sick for about three months. He went to a lot of different doctors before they found out that he had cancer. That weekend when he found out, I was at my dad’s house. Sunday night when my mom came and got me, my step-dad was with her. They told me they needed to tell me something.

I knew it wasn’t something good because they were crying. And that is not like them. They told me that he had cancer and that he doesn’t have long to live. I started to cry and freak out because he was the person who always took care of me. He took care of me when something bad happened or my mom couldn’t take care of me.

He was in the hospital off and on. I would go see him anytime I got a chance. He didn’t look like the same person.

For the first time, I had to see. I was so scared to see him like that. But I knew I had to and it would make him happy. When I first saw him, he had tubes everywhere. I really thought he was going to die. I had to live with my dad while he was in the hospital. I didn’t like it, but I knew my mom had to be there with him.

I cried myself to sleep every night.

A few days later, she came to my dad’s and said, “Guess who is waiting at home for you.” (She said it with a smile on her face). I smiled and cried at the same time because I knew he was getting better. When got home I was scared to hug him, but I did. I knew I would have too sooner or later.

I helped my mom out a lot. I also had family come and help us out. We couldn’t leave my stepdad home alone for the first week. He couldn’t get out of the bed by himself. During the time he was really sick, my grades started to slip. They started to slip because I wasn’t paying attention to the teacher. My mind was everywhere else. My teacher understood but wasn’t happy.

When he came home, I finally caught up on my work. I did that because I knew my parents wouldn’t be happy if I failed. Also, I really wanted to pass the 4th grade. Guess what…I passed with flying colors!

Now, 4 years later, my stepdad is doing well and his cancer hasn’t returned.

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