Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Two Students' Thoughts

Last night's homework was to read an article about the war and respond to it. Below are two responses.

Response 1)
Boom thats all we hear in the news people killing each other to have peace in there country. Terrorism is getting worse every day and there is nobody to stop racism and hatred against there own country or things that people have done in the past and now they are putting revenge on there aiming target. Every single day we are having news from Iraq and that Saddam Hussein was hanged for his bad behavior. In my opinion I can say that people should not use other country's as a battle field thats is just sad because before you know it were going to have dead humans around the world.

Response 2)
i think the war is alot better then just giving in. ever since i heard the son "have you forgotten" it changed my perspective, we think the war is bad because our family are in it but you don't think about what would happen if we din't have war. and if we gave in that would not be protecting or preventing what happened when the twin towers fell. i seriously think people need to think about what i said.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree with number 2. I dont feel that we need the war. Also our world ould be alot better with out it. There would be more people and less people dieing everyday. How do you think you would feel if you knew or related to somebody that got killed in the war. I think that people that say that the war is okay dont know anybody in the war. If they did i think they would feel way different. One of my close friends is getting ready to go. I am so scared that he int going to come back. I was talking to him the other day and he told me not to worrie. I just hope he makes it.